What would you put in a time capsule? I mean, if you were to ask me right this minute, I’d probably throw in a Lemon spindrift because I seem to drink 8+ a day at the office (how many is too many?). A sticker from Heavenly to account for my weekend ski trips. So many books from my shelf that it’d be tricky to ever lug that thing out of the ground. Maybe the L’il Sebastian mug that’s become my go-to for weekend coffee?
This is the main question Leslie opens to the town of Pawnee in season 3 episode 3 of Parks and Rec: what items best encapsulate the spirit of the town at this exact moment? The Parks department submits various mementos, ranging from Jerry’s mother’s journals (they reveal a certain someone played Tinkerbell in school productions of Peter Pan) to a complete history of Pawnee, typed by memory from Leslie, single-spaced.
But the episode really spirals when a citizen, played by the absolutely iconic Will Forte, comes to Leslie’s office to lobby for his own submission to the time capsule: the Twilight series. When Leslie refuses to include Twilight, Will Forte handcuffs himself to a pipe in her office in protest. And stays there for DAYS.
I don’t think I’ve personally ever put anything into a time capsule (that feels like something I’d remember??), but this episode got the old wheels turning in my brain. What if I had to make a time capsule of sitcoms that would best describe my personal comedy taste? If someone dug this metaphorical time capsule up in 50 years, what would they think of the comedy I love? Would it be cringe? Age poorly? Or maybe the shows would all still be totally iconic staples?
So here’s a round-up of the top twelve sitcoms I’d put in a time capsule (wanted to do 10, couldn’t cut it down). I’m leaving Parks and Rec off this list, because it’s obviously making the #1 slot. Keep in mind, these are only shows that have come out during my lifetime! Which excludes things like Friends (although I’m honestly not sure it would make the cut). These aren’t necessarily shows that I consider “the objective best” in any sense. This is 100% biased and 100% geared towards my personal taste. Sue me.
Lastly, it’s worth noting that this is comedies only. I strugglie cutting shows like Friday Night Lights and Grey’s from ANY favorites list, but some hard calls had to be made. So here we go:
That ‘70s Show - I grew up watching this show on Nick at Nite, and then again my sophomore year of college from the top bunk of my 6-girl room in my sorority. It’s a cornerstone of my developmental years. Alex from Orange is the New Black will always be Donna Pinciotti to me. “Well damn Jackie, I can’t control the weather” runs through my head ever single time I’m bitching about the rain, without fail. I LIVED for these smoking circles.
Broad City - I think I would die on a hill for Abbi Jacobson. I love her dearly, and basically all of my favorite Broad City episodes are Abbi-centric. Don’t get me wrong: love Ilana too. But something about how fuckin weird Abbi is just really gets me going. Best episodes: “Twaining Day” (I’ll never think about Shania Twain the same way); the one where Abbi is secretly Val and lures Ilana to the speakeasy; and “Wisdom Teeth.”
Schitt’s Creek - such a Covid show for I think basically everyone. I love this show so dearly. Please read this fantastic post by Thea Glassman, who did a pilgrimage to the real-life town of Schitt’s Creek. And in case you haven’t seen:
New Girl - kind of the mental equivalent of Parks and Rec to me, I can put it on at any time and I instantly quote the episode, in depth. It sometimes tends to make me truly laugh out loud more than Parks does. Parks is so dry and quick, not always lol funny! New Girl’s more consistently outrageous. And sometimes the way that Nick or Winston says things just gets me.
Derry Girls - Derry Girls is one of those shows that everyone always told me I “had to watch,” and I was stupid enough to procrastinate on it. One of my favorite recurring bits of the show is how they play “Dreams” by The Cranberries at least 5 separate times over the show’s 3 seasons. Really settin’ the vibes for the mid-90s. Favorite scene EVER is the one where Clare tries to come out to Erin. Okkkk Lady Whistledown!
Veep - I’m actually not even done with the show yet (I have 8 episodes left, first timer!!), but it’s already going down in history as one of the best shows I have ever seen. I honestly didn’t think I would love it as much as I did. They’re all SUCH horrible people, and we all know how I feel about the characters being innately good vs. terrible. But I’ve proven my own theories wrong. Veep is truly unhinged. I love it. According to , it’s a pretty accurate depiction of DC. I’m taking this chance to expose some insider dirt:
Hacks - God. I love Hacks. I want to shout it from the rooftops. I knew the minute I turned it on I would love it. I was really hooked when Ava first monologued at Deborah (something about “leaving a stool sample on your lawn”) and the show has just lured me into its web ever since. I cried at both the episode where they’re lost in the woods (specifically, Deborah’s quote about “sucking the marrow out of every second”) and Ava’s big confrontation in season 3. I fear season 4 will wreck me. Settling in for a rewatch after I finish veep.
Sex and the City - no need to explain this one. Just iconic, through and through.
30 Rock - I have a dirty little confession to make … I still haven’t finished watching 30 Rock all the way through … which feels so criminal because it’s my girl Tina! It’s on my list immediately after I finish Veep. But the episodes I HAVE seen (up through season 4) I absolutely love, so that + the Tina of it all is getting it a place on this list. Been feelin’ like this every day since the year started:
How I Met Your Mother - it is no secret that I hate Ted Mosby (even though I really loved Josh Radnor’s essay about playing Ted). Ted really, really, REALLY makes my blood boil. He’s way too earnest for me. He’s like a puppy dog that’s always getting kicked and crawling back with his tail between his legs, and we watch it happen again. And again. But, feelings about Ted aside, I’d be remiss to not account for HIMYM’s other incredible contributions to culture: the olive theory, slap bets, Robin Sparkles, the cock-a-mouse. It’s holistically a great show, even if it’s not my first go-to. I also first watched it in my first apartment in SF on Pine Street with my 3 other roommates, so it has a special place in my heart. So fine HIMYM - you win this one.
Dickinson - perhaps a hot take since I’m not sure that Dickinson technically counts as a sitcom, but I’m including it on here because I think it’s a textbook perfect show and every single episode makes me laugh. Hailee Steinfeld is magical, there’s at least one well-placed Taylor Swift song in the show’s 3 seasons, Jane Krakowski as Mrs. Dickinson and Anna Baryshnikov as Vinnie Dickinson steal every single scene they’re in. Wiz Khalifa plays Death! I used to think this show was just for adult English major nerds, but that theory has recently been debunked. Some of my non-reader friends like it. Win!
Sex Lives of College Girls - the best thing on TV right now.
So there ya have it, crazy citizens of Pawnee! That’s my Mt. Rushmore x3. See you in 50 years so we can see how these things have aged. Hopefully we’ll only need to deem 2-3 here “problematic.”
Quote of the episode: “Pawnee: first in friendship, fourth in obesity.” (Pawnee’s official town slogan)
Ugh we are TV soulmates. I can't wait til you finish Veep and see how bleak it is.
Did not realize Dickinson was funny, added to TBW list!